Trust & Estate Planning

Trust & Estate Planning
Trust Services
We are proud to be one of the few community banks in West Michigan that offers trust and fiduciary services. Our local trust professionals provide a personal touch and understanding as we build strong long-term relationships with our clients. When you establish a Trust account with West Michigan Community Bank, you and your family will receive highly personalized, one-on-one financial guidance. We pride ourselves in providing objective, yet compassionate services and care to our local community members.
Living Trust
A living trust with West Michigan Community Bank allows you to preserve and protect your assets during your lifetime and secure your family’s financial future at the same time. With West Michigan Community Bank as the trustee or successor trustee of your revocable trust, you will gain the advantage of our years of experience in trust administration. You may participate in the management of your assets during your lifetime and determine how they will be distributed upon death. If you become incapacitated, your assets will be managed for your benefit. At death your trust assets will avoid probate and be distributed according to your wishes. An irrevocable trust may be created for tax or estate planning purposes. All required tax work is managed by the trust department.
Investment Management
An investment agency account with West Michigan Community Bank provides you with professional asset management and allows you to maintain as much control and direction of your investments as you would like. Our investment professional will work with you to establish an investment strategy suited to your personal goals and circumstances.
Estate Planning and Settlement
With an estate plan in place, you will be able to preserve your wealth, assets, and values for generations to come. Planning ahead can help you avoid probate and establish your legacy according to your exact wishes. West Michigan Community Bank can serve as personal representative of your estate or be of help in the event that you are asked to fulfill this responsibility for someone else. We handle all aspects of estate administration. West Michigan Community Bank can be named as the personal representative of your estate. We can manage all aspects of the estate administration process. We gather assets, pay debts, file all necessary tax returns, and pay taxes when due. We can administer unique assets including real estate, personal property, and collectibles.
Charitable TrustS and FoundationS
West Michigan Community Bank can act as the trustee of a charitable trust, or administrator of a family foundation. A thoughtfully designed charitable trust can serve an important role in fulfilling your philanthropic intentions, while also providing financial protection and benefit for you or your family. With a charitable remainder trust, you or a chosen beneficiary will receive income for a lifetime or a set term, with charity receiving the residue. With a charitable lead trust, your favorite charity or charities receive lifetime or term support with the residue coming back to you or your heirs upon maturity. Significant current and future tax benefits may be available as well. A family foundation can allow for a legacy of philanthropic giving, while allowing ongoing family participation.
Special Needs Trusts
Establishing a Special Needs Trust with West Michigan Community Bank as trustee will give you peace of mind that you have provided for your loved one’s financial future without compromising their eligibility for government benefits. West Michigan Community Bank does not pool these trusts, allowing flexibility and you can be assured all financial decisions are made in the best interests of the individual beneficiary. These trusts can be funded in your lifetime or through your estate plan.
West Michigan Community Bank can be court appointed as the conservator for a protected person, taking on the responsibilities of managing their estate when the protected person is no longer able to. As the conservator, our job is to safeguard all conservatorship assets and to distribute funds for the care and support of the protected person.
Products offered by West Michigan Community Bank Wealth Management Services are: Not insured by the FDIC | Not a bank deposit | Have no bank guarantee | May lose value