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eStatements provide 18 rolling months of statements, as well as related notices and the ability to add additional email recipients.
3. Under Sign Up/Changes, make a check mark next to each account you would like to enroll for Statements. Click Save Settings
Once enrolled in Statements, your most recent statements will be available under the Statements and Notices submenu.

To add or adjust your enrolled accounts for Statements available online:
1. Under SignUp/Changes, place a check mark next to Enroll Accounts, and Document Types that you want to access electronically.
You can add additional recipients to receive an email with a secure Statement login.
1. Under Additional Recipients, click Add Additional Recipients.
2. Input a unique Username, Email Address, and Access PIN and click Save. The recipient will use their Username and Access PIN each month to open the Statement. This will not give them any additional access to the account(s).
3. The Statement recipient will be shown under Additional Recipients. Click Assign Documents to select the accounts statements that the recipient will be able to access.
4. Place a check mark next to each account you would like to send to your recipient. Click Save Settings. Agree to the disclosures by clicking I Agree.